Cultivating Project Champions and Coping with Detractors

This session, presented by Stuart Gripman of DriveSavers Data Recovery on November 10, 2017, delved into the nuances of human interaction within project environments. The core message was clear: development projects are fundamentally about people. Regardless of the industry, technology, scope, or goal, your ability to read and manage personalities has a profound impact on project outcomes.

This comprehensive guide expands upon the insights shared during that session, providing you with detailed strategies to identify allies, foster positive collaboration, and effectively cope with those who may threaten to derail your project through ignorance, apathy, or ill will.

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FileMaker Development in Large Enterprises

Drawing extensively from Beatrice Beaubien’s session at the 2018 FileMaker Developer Conference (DevCon), we will explore the benefits, challenges, and best practices for successfully integrating FileMaker solutions in enterprise environments. Whether you are an in-house developer or an external consultant, this guide aims to provide you with the insights and tools needed to navigate the complex landscape of enterprise development confidently and effectively.

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