Securing your server starts with minimizing vulnerabilities, and one of the simplest yet most effective steps is changing the default SSH port. By doing so, you reduce exposure to automated attacks that specifically target port 22. But securing SSH is just the beginning—proper firewall management ensures your server is both accessible and protected.

This guide walks you through a complete workflow for improving your server’s security:

  • Change the default SSH port.
  • Open only the ports required for applications like Webmin, HTTP, or HTTPS.
  • Close unnecessary ports to reduce your attack surface.
  • Update the OpenSSH profile to match your custom port.
  • Install and configure OpenSSH on Windows, allowing seamless server access with PowerShell.

By following this tutorial, you’ll achieve a cleaner, more secure UFW configuration while ensuring uninterrupted access to your services.

Step 1: Change the SSH Port

Edit the SSH Configuration

  1. Open the SSH daemon configuration file: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Locate and update the Port directive: Port 2022
  3. Save the file (Ctrl+O, then Enter) and exit (Ctrl+X).

Restart SSH Service

Restart the SSH service to apply the new port configuration:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Test the New Port

Ensure the new port works:

ssh -p 2022 user@your-server

Step 2: Open Required Ports

To ensure your applications function properly, open these ports using UFW:

Open Ports

Run the following commands to allow traffic:

  • Port 10000 (e.g., Webmin): sudo ufw allow 10000/tcp
  • Port 80 (HTTP): sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
  • Port 443 (HTTPS): sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
  • OpenSSH Profile (to match the default SSH port, initially 22): sudo ufw allow OpenSSH

Check UFW Status

Verify the rules:

sudo ufw status

Expected output:

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
10000/tcp                  ALLOW       Anywhere
80/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere
443/tcp                    ALLOW       Anywhere
OpenSSH                    ALLOW       Anywhere
10000/tcp (v6)             ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
80/tcp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
443/tcp (v6)               ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
OpenSSH (v6)               ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)

Step 3: Update OpenSSH Profile

If you’ve moved SSH to a custom port (e.g., 2022), update the OpenSSH profile to reflect the new port:

  1. Open the OpenSSH profile for editing: sudo nano /etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server
  2. Modify the ports= line to match your new SSH port: ports= 2022/tcp
  3. Save and exit the file.
  4. Reload UFW to apply changes: sudo ufw reload

Step 4: Close Unnecessary Ports

To improve security, close any ports that are no longer needed:

Close Specific Ports

Use the following commands to remove rules:

Port 10000: sudo ufw delete allow 10000/tcp

Port 80 (HTTP): sudo ufw delete allow 80/tcp

Port 443 (HTTPS): sudo ufw delete allow 443/tcp

Explicit SSH Port Rule (if previously added): sudo ufw delete allow 2022/tcp

Check UFW Status Again

Verify the updated rules:

sudo ufw status

Expected output (if all extra ports are removed and OpenSSH is updated for 2022):

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
OpenSSH                    ALLOW       Anywhere
OpenSSH (v6)               ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)

Step 5: Verify and Test

Ensure you can still access SSH on the new port:

ssh -p 2022 user@your-server-ip

Confirm application functionality for any ports you keep open (e.g., Webmin on port 10000).

How to Use SSH on Windows: Installing and Configuring OpenSSH in PowerShell

This part explains how to install and configure the OpenSSH Client on Windows, ensure it’s properly added to your system PATH, and use it with PowerShell to connect to a server over SSH.

Step 6: Install the OpenSSH Client on Windows

1. Open Settings

  • Press Win + I to open the Settings app.

2. Navigate to Optional Features

  • Go to System > Optional Features.

3. Check for OpenSSH Client

  1. Scroll through the list of installed features to see if OpenSSH Client is installed.
  2. If it’s not installed:
    • Click Add a feature.
    • Search for OpenSSH Client.
    • Click Install and wait for the installation to complete.

4. Verify Installation

  1. Open PowerShell (press Win + X, then select PowerShell).
  2. Type the following command to check if the SSH client is installed: ssh
  3. If the client is installed, you’ll see the SSH usage information. If not, proceed to the next step.

Step 7: Add OpenSSH to the System PATH

If the SSH client is installed but not recognized, it may not be included in your system’s PATH. Follow these steps to add it manually.

1. Locate the OpenSSH Executable

  1. The OpenSSH executable is typically located in: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\
  2. Confirm its presence by navigating to the directory in File Explorer.

2. Add to the System PATH

  1. Open System Properties:
    • Press Win + S and search for “Environment Variables”.
    • Click on Edit the system environment variables.
  2. Edit the PATH Variable:
    • In the System Properties window, click Environment Variables.
    • Under System variables, find the Path variable and click Edit.
    • In the Edit Environment Variable window, click New and add: C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\
  3. Click OK to save and close all windows.

3. Restart PowerShell

  • Close and reopen PowerShell to apply the changes.

4. Verify SSH Installation

  1. Open PowerShell again.
  2. Type: ssh
  3. You should now see the SSH usage information.

Step 8: Connect to the Server

Once the OpenSSH client is installed and configured, use PowerShell to connect to your server.

1. Open PowerShell

  • Open PowerShell by pressing Win + X and selecting PowerShell.

2. Use the SSH Command

Run the following command to connect to your server (replace jo and with your username and server IP):

ssh -p 2022 user@your-server-ip

3. Accept the SSH Key Fingerprint

  • On the first connection, SSH will ask if you trust the server’s fingerprint. Type yes to proceed.

4. Enter Your Password

  • Enter your SSH password when prompted, and you’ll be logged into your server.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Cannot Find SSH Command: Ensure the OpenSSH Client is installed and added to the PATH as described in Step 6.
  • Firewall Rules: Make sure port 2022 is allowed in your firewall.
  • Using a Different Port: Replace 2022 with your configured SSH port in the command.