Brand Your Email’s Trust: The BIMI Revolution for Inbox Identity and Security

In the quest to fortify email against impersonation and fraud, a new champion enters the arena: BIMI, or Brand Indicators for Message Identification. BIMI offers a twofold benefit: enhancing email security while simultaneously boosting brand visibility right in your customer’s inbox. What is BIMI? BIMI is an innovative email specification that links a verified brand

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Understanding SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: The Three Pillars of Email Security

In the interconnected world of the internet, email communication has become as vital as ever, but it’s also become a target for spoofing, phishing, and various other forms of abuse. Email security protocols SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are our digital sentinels guarding against these threats. Let’s break down what each of these acronyms means and

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