As we look ahead to the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats, the opportunity to sharpen our defenses through practical exercises has never been more critical. This May, from the 27th to the 31st, I’m excited to announce that our community will be participating in the national cyber defense exercise “PANOPTIS 2024,” an initiative spearheaded by the Hellenic National Defense General Staff / Directorate of Cyber Defense. This year’s exercise promises to be an essential gathering for those interested in cybersecurity, held entirely online to accommodate participants from various sectors.

Why You Should Consider Joining PANOPTIS 2024

PANOPTIS 2024 is not just another drill; it’s a comprehensive platform where professionals from the military, academia, public, and private sectors converge to test and enhance their cyber defense capabilities. Organized on the robust European platform POSEIDON, the exercise simulates real-world cyber threats, allowing participants to engage in scenarios that refine their ability to respond to and recover from sophisticated cyberattacks.

How the Exercise Works

The exercise spans five days, with specific focuses:

  • Monday, May 27: Testing communication systems to ensure all channels are secure and operational.
  • Tuesday to Thursday: Engaging in full-scale exercises based on scenarios that have challenged participants in previous years.
  • Friday, May 31: Reviewing the exercises’ outcomes, discussing strategies, and extracting valuable lessons.

These sessions are not only about testing skills but also about integrating lessons learned into our daily operations to fortify our defenses.

Get Involved

To be part of this pivotal event, participants need to register by May 15, 2024. It’s imperative for everyone to have an EU Login, as the exercise requires access through the European Commission’s Authentication Service. Here’s a link to get started with the EU Login setup.

Coordination and Communication

Effective communication is critical in cyber defense. We will coordinate our efforts and share updates through a dedicated matrix server channel. For those unfamiliar with Matrix, it’s a secure, open network for reliable communication. You can sign up and join our discussion room by following this link to Matrix registration and then connect directly to PANOPTIS channel here.

Why Your Participation Matters

By joining PANOPTIS 2024, you are stepping into a role that bolsters not just your own cyber defense capabilities but also contributes to a collective effort to protect national and European digital infrastructure. The insights gained from such exercises are invaluable, providing foresight and preparedness against potential cyber threats.

Let’s unite in this critical endeavor to safeguard our digital frontiers. Your skills, knowledge, and readiness to respond can make a significant difference in our collective cyber resilience. Join us in this vital exercise to push the boundaries of what we can achieve together in cybersecurity.